Let us think with reason and logic. You are paid to regulate an industry, but 45% of your payment comes directly from the industry you are supposed to regulate. Is that a conflict of interest? The FDA has the highest responsibility to the public as it is charged to make certain the products we consume, and the medications we take are safe. This agency receives 45% of its budget ($2.7 billion) directly from the very industry it is supposed to regulate. This is from a fact sheet released by the FDA in November 2020. This wasn’t always the case; but since these so-called industry “user fees” started funding close to half of the FDA’s budget, some alarming facts have come to light.
In the years that followed after fees were introduced, several drugs approved by the FDA came under scrutiny. Pharmaceutical giants promoted drugs that were later connected with extremely dangerous and life threatening side effects. In 2004, Merck as an example, withdrew Vioxx from the market, after discovery that it increased both the risk of heart attack and stroke. David Graham, who is an FDA safety official, along with other researchers estimated Vioxx had caused at least 139,000 heart attacks and sudden deaths. Infuriatingly to all of us who depend on the integrity of the agency, it was put on record that permission to publish their findings in a medical journal was withheld! This is what David Graham testified to during a 2004 Senate hearing.
A spokesperson for the FDA Michael Felberbaum said to USA today that “User fees provide instrumental funding for the FDA’s independent review of medical products that make a difference in the lives of all Americans, without compromising the agency’s commitment to scientific integrity, public health and regulatory standards, patient safety and transparency,”. Can we believe the word of someone not underoath after the sworn testimony given by Graham? I don’t know how a logical person could not see a problem here. Is there a systemic problem within the FDA? Graham stated “I was ordered to withdraw the paper or ‘face severe consequences’—which I interpreted to mean that I would be fired,” to The Los Angeles Times .
So who is telling the truth? A spokesperson, or Graham during the 2004 Senate hearing who spoke on the culture at the FDA saying that the agency “views the pharmaceutical industry it is supposed to regulate as its client. It overvalues the benefits of the drugs it approves, and it seriously undervalues, disregards and disrespects drug safety”.
Does this give you confidence in the FDA and its ability to ensure safety of the products it approves? Or does it persuade you that an independent regulatory body ought to investigate the FDA and hold the agency accountable for any wrongdoing, or at the very least restore public confidence in the agency’s integrity.
3 thoughts on “WHAT!? The FDA Is Significantly Funded By Big Pharma?”
I can’t believe what the FDA is doing. Can’t trust nobody in
This mentality continues. My father recently died from esophageal cancer after taking Zantac both prescribed by an MD and OTC. Because by the time his cancer had spread from brain to his toes the MD said there was no need for further testing and no treatment. I couldn’t file in the claim against Zantac Big Pharma. Why are honest men not allowed to be truthful… I swear the testimony I’m about to give is the truth and nothing but the truth. That in its self is a lie for someone’s benefit. I believe that all names associated with any PRODUCT allowed on the market that produces harm immediately or years later, should be made product. There are more of us than them. My fathers name was John Floyd, he was a chemical engineer employed by Westvaco Pulp and Paper. He was a brilliant man. Took care of my Mom for 30+ years while my Moms health went down hill. He chose to become a licensed home builder which goes to show what his mind and passion was for, the people. He was a believer in our Savior and God. I know judgement , real judgement accuses in HEAVEN. I have worked in the medical field and have attended many Pharma sponsored functions like 2 days in Hilton Head, SC. I believed about 20 years ago Lobbyists we’re not allowed to pay Govt any kind of incentive from pencils to paid trips. Where liquor followed and very little knowledge obtained. My father died from esphogeal cancer with metastasis from his brain to his toes. He lived 3 weeks. DOA April 11,2020. Because of no test was done I can’t prove his cancer was caused by Zantac but when you put a carcinogen in your mouth almost daily for years and you die from esphogeal cancer what do you think. Our government is corrupt and to prove it look and the numbers of deaths that have occurred for those who used Zantac or the people recently diagnosed with CA related to Zantac. I don’t know what is enough money to replace my Dad. I know he’d rather that all these liars be given doses of the cancer causing Zantac. Let them live with a time mob.
This mentality continues. My father recently died from esophageal cancer after taking Zantac both prescribed by an MD and OTC. Because by the time his cancer had spread from brain to his toes the MD said there was no need for further testing and no treatment. I couldn’t file in the claim against Zantac Big Pharma. Why are honest men not allowed to be truthful… I swear the testimony I’m about to give is the truth and nothing but the truth. That in its self is a lie for someone’s benefit. I believe that all names associated with any PRODUCT allowed on the market that produces harm immediately or years later, should be made product. There are more of us than them. My fathers name was John Floyd, he was a chemical engineer employed by Westvaco Pulp and Paper. He was a brilliant man. Took care of my Mom for 30+ years while my Moms health went down hill. He chose to become a licensed home builder and people rave about his concepts. He was a loving father, grandfather and great grand dad aka (GGG).. I miss the little and big conversations. Some group murdered him and as long as money rules and not justice we are doomed. Politicians need to stay in their corner, where they continue to ruin our country. Biden is not able to run a country and Harris (an MD) makes public fun of him. That in itself shows her lack of respect for the office of the president and a lack of compassion for a man aging. Great Britain is doing the same thing to Queen Elizabeth. My prayers go out to President Biden, his family and our country the USA.
I know I’ve gotten off tract but if we forced these meds on our government it would be ok with me. If we can’t know products are safe for humans, animals and the elderly, the line up all politicians that vote to give Big PHARM TIllians of $$’s a taste of their own meds and see how big their house would get once of few or all of them die. We are to be a God fearing country. We behave like we have nothing to fear. The post the names of those who are supporting the drug companies that are killing my Dad. The rest of you need to stand up yourself. I’d give up a hush, oops sorry, a settlement check for politicians and drug companies to stop rolling into bed with each other every night.